Hosted VoIP PBX office phone solution without the high upfront cost of traditiononal on premises phone systems. Simply connect your office VoIP phones to the internet and you're all set. Setting up Inbound Call Routing, Scheduling and IVR/Auto Attentant takes just minutes! Enjoy the high quality audio of VoIP Technology with solid phone service you can rely on to run your business!
Send and receive multiple faxes at once without the need for a fax machine. Simply email a PDF attachment and it'll get converted to a FAX, or receive PDF attached email from a traditional FAX machine.
Join or Create conference calls, Setup Advanced 2-way Automated SMS responses and SMS chat which can be used as a SMS based auto-receptionist to schedule appointments, Give information and much more! Create hotlines with long audio playback including fast forward, pause and rewind, which is great for virtual classes.
Prices starting at $10/month per Extension for Basic VoIP Service!